Harmonizing Innovation: The Journey of Living Room Music by N8K99

Harmonizing Innovation: The Journey of Living Room Music by N8K99

In the ever-evolving landscape of music and creativity, one project stands out as a beacon of innovation and artistic exploration: "Living Room Music" by N8K99. This ambitious endeavor seamlessly blends the realms of music production, live performance, and audience engagement, offering a rich and varied experience that pushes the boundaries of traditional musical expression. Today, we delve into the creative journey behind this project, exploring its origins, development, and the visionary mind at its helm.

The Genesis of an Idea

Four years ago, the foundation for this project was laid at NOFLO Recordings, where two pivotal discoveries were made: a project flow template for Logic that revolutionized playback control, and the genre of Jazztronica. This marked the beginning of an immersive exploration into the world of electronic music, transcending genres like Electronica, Steam, and Trance, and setting the stage for what would become a journey of musical and technical mastery.

"Living Room Music by N8K99": A Symphony of Exploration

The podcast, "Living Room Music by N8K99," was born from a desire to explore and showcase the vast spectrum of electronic music. Over ninety episodes, it has become a platform for innovation, integrating technical prowess with creative exploration. The podcast not only deepened the understanding of MIDI signals in music production but also became a canvas for artistic expression.

The Punk Rock Experiment: RadioPoet

Amidst the electronic exploration, a venture into the punk rock scene with the band RadioPoet showcased a unique application of technology in music. The innovative use of a guitar to generate MIDI signals for synthesizers brought a new dimension to the band's sound, drawing comparisons to legends like Geddy Lee and highlighting the project's commitment to pushing musical boundaries.

The Solo Journey Continues

Despite the collaborative success with RadioPoet, the heart of N8K99's musical journey remains with "Living Room Music." The "Cycle of Cycles" series represents a deep dive into Jazztronica, utilizing advanced production techniques to create compositions that offer improvisation opportunities over intricate backing tracks.

The Drum Challenge: A Beat of Its Own

Addressing the rhythmic complexities of Jazztronica, N8K99 embarked on an experimental path, blending electronic drum kits, manual programming, and synthesizer beats to create a unique sonic landscape. This approach not only showcases technical innovation but also a dedication to the craft of music production.

A Vision for the Future

The culmination of four years of exploration, learning, and technical development has led to a clear vision for the future of "Living Room Music." With plans extending into March 2025, N8K99 is poised to continue this journey of creative experimentation and strategic planning, charting a course for the next phase of this musical adventure.


The story of "Living Room Music by N8K99" is one of passion, innovation, and relentless pursuit of artistic excellence. It embodies the spirit of exploration, pushing the envelope of what is possible in music production and performance. As we look forward to the next chapters in this journey, one thing is clear: the fusion of creativity and technology will continue to inspire and revolutionize the world of music.